Learn about Minnesota history using the Minnesota Digital Library’s interactive timelines. Each timeline features images, documents, maps, and more from key moments in the past. These primary and secondary sources come from MDL’s contributors from all over the state.

Architectural Styles
An architectural style is a set of characteristics that shape how a building or other structure looks. This timeline features many of the popular styles found in Minnesota over the years with examples from MDL collections.

Arts and Crafts in MDL
Art is a timeless human pursuit. Explore this timeline to see several examples of artwork in the collections of the Minnesota Digital Library – including portraits, religious paintings, sculptures, weavings, costume designs, prints, and more.

Colleges and Universities in Minnesota
Minnesota has nearly 200 public and private colleges and universities. Many of them have contributed archival collections to the Minnesota Digital Library (MDL). Explore this timeline to trace the founding and history of these MDL contributors.

Duluth History Timeline
This timeline traces the history of Duluth, Minnesota using images, documents, and maps from the Minnesota Digital Library.

Minnesota History Part 1
Learn how local history connects with major events and eras. Part 1 of this timeline explores significant moments in the history and development of Minnesota from prehistory to 1900.

Minnesota History Part 2
Learn how local history connects with major events and eras. Part 2 of this timeline explores significant moments in the history and development of Minnesota from 1900 to 2020.