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Strategic Plan

The Minnesota Digital Library conducted a program assessment in 2015 with the intention of gathering information on the current status of MDL work; identifying current levels of satisfaction; identifying program policies and practices; and determining future focus and potential areas for growth.

This process also prompted work on developing the MDL vision, mission, and values, which was further guided by community input in the form of regional meetings and focus groups.

Using a formal strategic planning process, members of the MDL Governance group and the MDL Operations group worked with Minitex and MDL staff to chart the future of MDL work that culminated in the Minnesota Digital Library Strategic Plan, 2022-2025.


Expanded Goals & Objectives

1. Find, collect, and preserve rich content

Maximize discovery in order to increase use:

  • Improve content searching and discovery through an iterative interface, search engine optimization, and other metadata aggregations 
  • Maintain role as innovators of emerging discovery systems
  • Implement standardized best practices that facilitate and support increased access

Build and preserve rich, deep, and broad collections:

  • Work with current and new partners to increase content in collections
  • Identify, digitize, and make available large Minnesota-based collections
  • Increase collections of contemporary content
  • Explore and expand digital preservation management
  • Facilitate access to Minnesota's digital collections through partnership with DPLA

2. Share content and engage users

Expand and enhance digital storytelling:

  • Expand primary source sets, develop new online exhibits, and explore other storytelling options
  • Build capacity for collaborative digital storytelling projects

Build awareness of and increase engagement with digital collections:

  • Refine and implement a strategic marketing plan to expand audiences and raise brand awareness
  • Promote content to partners and users including scholars, researchers, higher education, and K-12 audiences

3. Foster diversity, equity, and inclusion

Advance digital representation and visibility of all Minnesota's communities:

  • Increase representation of Minnesota's diverse cultures in collections, including through partnerships and new initiatives
  • Promote diversity, accessibility, equity, and inclusion in governance, committees, policies, and professional practice

4. Ensure adequate, growing resources to meet MDL mission

Expand and preserve funding sources:

  • Advocate for continuation of funding sources with existing partners
  • Create a plan for expanding and diversifying funding
  • Proactively identify grant opportunities and develop proposal content