Unity Church of St. Paul, now known as Unity Church-Unitarian, was formally founded in 1872 after 20 years of efforts to start a Unitarian church. From the start, Unity exerted notable influence in the community and the denomination, working with the poor, advocating abolition and woman suffrage, and helping to unite the Eastern and Western Unitarians. The commitment to social justice continues to shape the work of the congregation, including as a Welcoming Congregation, a Black Lives Matter ally, and a sanctuary church. In addition to materials documenting these efforts, the archives of the church include financial records, documents related to the church’s robust religious education and music programs, information about the building, and materials related to church operations such as Sunday sermons, orders of worship, church membership and events such as the Christmas pageant.
Contact Information
Unity Church Unitarian
733 Portland Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104
United States