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University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University Archives

Old Main building and Washburn Hall on campus grounds of Duluth Normal School, Duluth, Minnesota
Old Main building and Washburn Hall on campus grounds of Duluth Normal School, Duluth, Minnesota

The University of Minnesota Duluth Archives in the Kathryn A. Martin Library includes publications, photographs, memorabilia and university records from its early days as the Duluth Normal School (later becoming the Duluth State Teachers College). The University of Minnesota Duluth Archives contributed to the Minnesota Digital Library images of the Duluth Normal School from about 1904 of women students in a carpentry workshop and a science classroom, pictures from the music room and a kindergarten classroom and more; Normal School and DSTC catalogues and bulletin to 1948; and three Normal School scrapbooks spanning 1901-1921.

Contact Information

University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library
416 Library Drive
UMD Archives
Duluth, MN 55812
United States

University of Minnesota Duluth, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University Archives website

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