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Mesabi Range College Library

Cover of "Lumbering in Northern Minnesota: Old fashioned Cork White Pine and Plenty of it" booklet
"Lumbering in Northern Minnesota: Old fashioned Cork White Pine and Plenty of it" booklet

The Mesabi Range College Library, at the Minnesota North College, Virginia campus (formerly the Mesabi Range Community & Technical College) located in Virginia, Minnesota, holds an Archive Collection which houses historical documents such as college publications, news articles and photographs relevant to the history of the college from its founding in 1923 as the Virginia Junior College. From its Archive Collection, Mesabi Range College Library contributed to the Minnesota Digital Library historical documents, public records, and photographs of the City of Virginia and of Iron Range industries such as mining and logging, dating from 1924 through 1945.

Contact Information

Mesabi Range College Library
1001 Chestnut St. West
Virginia, MN 55792
United States

Mesabi Range College Library website